Pull Requests

This widget isn't the most exciting thing ever, but it's probably near the top of what to pay attention to.

Use this widget to see open and/or closed pull requests across whatever repos you're supposed to be paying attention to.

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Rather than purely relying on notifications & emails to see when new PRs should be reviewed, just check your Portal.

This is useful to know when your team is done with their stuff and ready to have folks look at it.

Pull Requests widget

Often PRs will stack up, unreviewed for some length of time. Get that outa here!

Now you can see a list of the outstanding PRs to knock down; become the repository hero.

There's something to be said about seeing recently closed PRs.

It's good to keep in the back of your mind what code just got merged, and seeing a PR closed is one way to tell.

If something starts going wrong, you'll be that much faster at knowing what might have caused it.

Other than workflows, this might be one of the most useful clickable widgets.

Instead of hunting around Slack for that PR notification, just click the PR directly within the widget to go straight to it.

Just... make sure you actually read the PR before mashing "approve". It's good practice.

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