
This might be the only integration you care about. If so - boom, you're done.

Go build your portal, nothing left to see here.

For those of you wanting to know more... just keep reading then.

GitHub is an OAuth connection, so just say "yes" to whatever screens pop up when clicking the "connect" button.

The only permissions needed are read-only access for data display - no write permissions whatsoever.

Add a GitHub Integration

  • GH Actions visibility

    See all your GitHub Action runs, workflows, jobs - and their statuses (did they just give up?).
    1-click "goto" links for every job/check/action to quickly see what went heinously wrong.
  • Pull Requests

    See all the PRs you and your team are waiting on each other for, to be reviewed... eventually...
  • Branches

    Who broke the production branch? Now you'll know!
  • Events

    All the happenings of merges, commits, pushes, issue changes, and more.
  • Issues

    You were able to convince folks to use GitHub as your issue tracker? Good on you! We'll show those too.
  • Deployments

    Slightly different from workflow runs are the deployments 3rd parties can integrate with (like Vercel); see those here.

See your Portal in action

Go to Dashboard