Introducing: What the Portal!

July 5, 2024-

Today we're launching What the Portal!

...what on earth is that, you ask? What the Portal is an engineering visibility platform enabling developers to see everything happening in one place.

Open Pull Requests, new tasks & issues, error logs, deployments, workflow runs, and so much more. Instead of having 20 tabs open and hoping not to miss something (you're probably missing something), What the Portal gives individual dashboard-esq views into everything happening at once.

1 tab, much sanity.

Over the years we've realized something - and it's going to sound silly.

Knowing what's going on with your code, app(s), & team(s) makes you an incredibly faster & more valuable engineer.

That used to not be so difficult "back in the day" when developing websites & software without version control and directly uploading files to LAMP servers.

In spite of numerous simplifications in the software industry, there's more things to pay attention to now than ever before.

This really starts to add up and wear on a person's sanity, drastically lowering how productive you can be.

WTP is a Saas platform that integrates directly with the places you work - GitHub, Linear, Sentry, etc. - and intelligently presents the meaningful, actionable, relevant pieces to you at all times.

This is done through what we call Portals (think of dashboards) and Widgets.

Freely arrange your Portal to see the happenings you care about, in the way you care to see them, with near real-time data updates.

The summarized pitch: What the Portal makes it easy to stay informed of team-wide development activity and action items.

Let's break that down into a digestible list:

  • Integrations: industry-leading tools & services like Git providers, Issue trackers, Log aggregators, & more.
  • Branches: see new work started by peers, know when main gets updated, etc.
  • Deployments: finally know when your code lands where it was supposed to (or didn't).
  • Events: all the "happenings" across all your apps & teams - errors, triggers, goals, etc.
  • Issues: see when things go wrong and the work to do - and who's doing what.
  • Pull Requests: the easiest way to see when code needs reviewing, or been stuck waiting for too long.
  • Workflows: our personal favorite - see all the individual workflow runs, and checks/jobs within them for ultimate visibility.
  • Sprints & Cycles: see how your team is progressing through their workloads and lend a hand where needed.
  • and so, so much more...

Even just listing a summary of widgets & integrations seems overwhelming!

Head on over to make your first Portal, and start seeing how much easier dev life can get.

Stay tuned for more updates!

See your Portal in action

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