
This widget will show you all your issues, tasks, work items, etc. in one place.

They can come from a logging platform like Sentry, or from a traditional project management tool like Linear/Jira.

It's all the same thing - work to be done.

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I don't know any developer that keeps their tab open to the screen listing newly created issues and keeps it updated.

That's just not practical - there's other work to be doing. Let WTP handle it.

Seeing a list of newly created issues is quite helpful to stay in the loop of what's happenign in the rest of the organization. Project/engineering managers and QA folks will sneak in issues all day every day - now you can see em coming!

Issues widget

Once you merge that PR and it's time to do something else - just look at your Portal, it'll tell ya what's next.

Seeing a list of your current workload and what to pick up saves a lot of time fishing around Linear/Jira/etc.

Knowing what you're working on is nice in one regard - but seeing what everyone else is up to is even better.

Know who's doing what, and when they're doing it - without having to keep a bunch of tabs open.

When Sentry/etc. finds a new problem - don't make it worse by missing it.

Instead of waiting around to check the logs or get yelled at (or have customers tell you something is broken), just see the issues as they happen in this widget.

Your boss with thank you... or maybe fix things before they even notice?

Not gonna lie, at least half my tabs at any given point in time are somehow related to issues & work to do.

Instead of keeping all those open, and hoping Arc will save the day (or Google's AI grouping of them... which isn't super great), I just click the one I care about from my Portal.

This'll open a new tab showing the issue, regardless of where it came from.

Super helpful both in checking out newly created tasks, newly broken production issues, what's next to work on, or what your teammates just assigned themselves (or you).

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